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The Branbury Home playable is a 2 story town house featuring a front and back door with a cellar entrance.

The 28mm Playable with Furnishings comes with x1 of each of the furnishings shown but gets x2 of the round chairs.

The 14mm and 28mm version are solid non-playable models.



Click below for product story.


Strong south westerly winds from the great 3rd storm of the Mistfall age, have intercepted the structural integrity design of more recent middle class properties. This home is one of such developments. Boasting a stalwart stone brick base and foundations. Its structure coated with enveloping dark olivewood beams holds this fine exterior together. Presenting itself as not only a perfect residential property, But also a solid means of investment. What once was used as a shelter for harsher weathers has now become an everyday basement, granted access from the outside via a trapdoor.

The Branbury Home

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